Seerat Tayyaba Umm al-Mu'minin by Hazrat Khadijah Al-Kubra, the Prophet's Prophet (PBUH) Dr. Tahir Siddique


Umm al-Mu'minin, Hazrat Khadijah Al-Kubari, the children of the Prophet

Except for the son of the Prophet, Ibrahim (RA), who was born from the womb of Hazrat Maria Qobtiya (RA), all the other children were from Hazrat Khadija (RA).

The name of the first son of the Prophet was Qasim. And with this name, the surname of the Holy Prophet was known as "Abu Al-Qasim". He died in his childhood, then Allah gave him Hazrat Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum, Fatima al-Zahra and Abdullah. This second son, Abdullah, was born in the era of Prophethood, so his title "Tayeb" and "Tahir" became known. Abdullah and Ibrahim both died in infancy. However, all the daughters of the Holy Prophet became young, converted to Islam and all of them migrated, but all the daughters died during the blessed life of the Holy Prophet except Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra. Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (may Allah be pleased with her) also passed away only six months after the death of the Prophet (PBUH).[1]

The construction of the Kaaba and the decision of the Hijra Sood dispute

It was the 35th year of the blessed life of the Prophet ﷺ that the Quraysh started the construction of the Kaaba anew. The building of the Kaaba was in a slope and there was no roof on the walls, during the rainy season water from the city came into the Haram. To prevent this, a dam was made at the top but it would break. Finally, through mutual consultation, it was decided that the Kaaba should be rebuilt and only lawful money should be used in this construction. In those days, a commercial ship collided with the shore of Jeddah harbor and broke up. When Quraysh got the news, Waleed bin Mughirah Makhzoomi reached Jeddah and bought the ship's planks. On the ship was a Roman architect named Baqum, Walid brought him with him to Makkah and the Quraysh began to build the Kaaba. Different tribes had divided different parts of the building among themselves so that no one was deprived of this honor. But when the opportunity came to install Hajra Sood, a dispute arose because everyone wanted to get this blessing. The turn came that the swords came out.

On the fifth day, Abu Umayyah bin Mughirah, who was the oldest among the Quraish, gave an opinion that the first person who came to the Kaaba should be declared the mediator, this opinion was accepted by all. It was the will of Allah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) should visit the Kaaba first. Everyone had confidence in the honesty and integrity of the Holy Prophet. When people saw the Prophet, they said: "Hadza al-Amin Razinaa Hadhaa Muhammed" (This is Amin, we are satisfied with him, this is Muhammad). That's why everyone accepted him as the judge. The Prophet ﷺ laid a sheet and placed the black stone on it, and said that one person from each tribe should hold the sheet and lift it, and when the sheet reached the place where the stone was placed, he lifted the stone and installed it. Said. A bloody war was stopped by this good strategy. [2] Now the roof of the building of the Kaaba was put on. Since the building materials were insufficient, the foundations were laid by leaving a part of the earth on one side and this part was built. Four walls were built around it, and then if the conditions allow, the walls will be built and roofed over the entire place. But such an opportunity did not come until the conquest of Mecca and even after the domination of Islam, that place remained the outer part of the Kaaba. There is still a wall around 4 feet high which is called Hatim. In order to avoid temptation, he, his Companions and those who came later also left this place in the same way. Today, except for a very important person. If no one is allowed to enter the Kaaba, the people get the privilege of praying inside the Kaaba by offering prayers inside the same Hatim.

Travels of the Prophet

The people of Makkah were usually used to travel for the purpose of trade. The Prophet ﷺ also made several journeys for the same purpose. The situation of traveling to Syria and Basra has already passed, apart from them, it is proven that he visited many other places. Among the markets that were established in different places in Arabia, Habasha is mentioned. Among the places where Umm al-Mu'minin Hazrat Khadijah sent the Holy Prophet for trade, there is a place called Jerash, which is in Yemen. He visited Jarash twice and every time Hazrat Khadija gave him a camel as compensation.[3]

After the declaration of prophethood, when delegations came to the service of the Holy Prophet from distant places in Arabia, among them the delegation of Abdul Qais from Bahrain, the Holy Prophet named each place in Bahrain and asked about the situation there. People were surprised that you know the situation of our country better than us. The Holy Prophet said: I have traveled through your country, and I have passed through your country.

Abstain from ritual shirk

It is absolutely proven that the Prophet ﷺ always avoided the ritual of shirk even in his childhood and youth when he did not hold the position of prophethood. Once the Quraish brought food in front of him. This food was for offering to idols. That animal was slaughtered in the name of an idol. He refused to eat it.

The Christians have falsely claimed that the change in the beliefs of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) took place after the prophethood, although it is a fact that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had started prohibiting idolatry even before his prophethood. He had confidence in the people, he used to forbid them from idolatry, and even before the Prophet's mission, a few people had repented from idolatry.

Meeting with Muhaddin

Even before the Prophet ﷺ was sent, the rays of God's grace were found in Arabia, so some people refused to worship idols, among whom the prominent personalities are as follows:

(1) Qus bin Saida

(2) Waraqa bin Nawfal

(3) Ubaidullah Ibn Jahsh

(4) Uthman bin Al-Hawaris

(5) Zayd bin Amr bin Nafail

Waraqa bin NufHe belonged to the Christian religion. Hazrat Khadijah was a cousin and lived in Makkah. He was a strong opponent of idolatry. In some hadiths, it is said that the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, was friendly with him. Similarly, he met Zayd bin Amr bin Nafail, who is also mentioned in Sahih Bukhari. [5]

The special friends of the Prophet ﷺ

Before Prophethood, the people who were special friends of the Holy Prophet were all distinguished for their pure morals, great courage and honor and dignity. Among them, Hazrat Abu Bakr, whose name was Abdullah, was the companion of the Holy Prophet from the beginning to the end and was called Siddiq. . Hazrat Khadija's cousin Hakeem bin Hizam, who was a very respected chief of Quraish, was also one of the special friends. The position of Rafada of Haram was in his hands and he was the head and owner of Darul-Indah, so after Islam, he sold it to Hazrat Muawiyah for one hundred thousand dirhams and donated this amount to charity. He was five years older than the Prophet ﷺ. Although he did not believe until the eighth year of Hijrah, but even in this condition, he loved the Prophet ﷺ very much.

Hazrat Zamad bin Thaalba, who was from the tribe of Azd, used to practice medicine and surgery in Jahiliyyah. He came to Makkah in the time of Prophethood, saw the Prophet ﷺ in the condition that he was walking, with a crowd of boys behind him and the infidels were calling him a madman. Seeing the crowd of boys, Zamad also made the same assumption and came to the Prophet ﷺ and said, “Muhammad! I can cure madness." After praising Allah, he invited them, upon which Zamad became Muslim [6](

One of the people who participated in the field of trade with the Prophet was Qays bin Sa'ib Makhzoomi. Mujahid bin Jaber, who has passed away as a famous commentator, was his slave. He says that his dealings with the participants were very clear and there was never any quarrel.

A look at Hayat Tayyaba's early forties

Various biographers have commented well on the forty years of life. Maulana Safiur Rahman Mubarak Puri has shed light on the forty-year-old life of Hayat Tayyaba in a very comprehensive and concise manner.

Maulana Safiur Rahman Mubarak Puri writes: The existence of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was inclusive of all the qualities and perfections that are found in various classes of people. He was a tall tower of wisdom, foresight and righteousness. He (PBUH) was given a great share of beauty, maturity of thought and correctness of means and purpose. He (PBUH) used to take help in his long silence in constant contemplation, constant reflection and the purchase of truth. With his fresh intellect and bright nature, he studied the scriptures of life, the affairs of people and the accounts of parties, and felt disgusted with the myths in which they were all involved. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) lived his life among the people with full wisdom and insight, meaning that he would have participated in whatever work was good for the people, otherwise he would have turned back to his appointed solitude. Therefore, he never touched alcohol, did not eat sacrificial offerings and never participated in festivals and fairs celebrated for idols.[7]

From the very beginning, the Prophet ﷺ hated these false gods so much that there was nothing more hateful in his eyes than them, even hearing the oath of curse and praise was not acceptable to him. There is no doubt that destiny had cast a shadow of protection on him, so when the emotions of the self were activated to achieve some worldly benefits or the nature was inclined to follow some undesirable customs and practices, the divine favor became an obstacle. Ibn Athir. There is a tradition that the Prophet ﷺ said:

The work of the people of Jahiliyyah, I never thought of them except two times, but each time Allah placed a barrier between me and that work. After that, I never thought of it again. Even Allah honored me with His prophethood.

The Prophet ﷺ was distinguished among his people in terms of his sweet character, virtuous morals and generous habits. Therefore, you are the most honorable, the most virtuous, the most honorable neighbor, the most far-sighted, the most righteous, the most pure of self, the most generous in good, the most virtuous deed, He was the most committed and the most trustworthy. He was called "Sadiq and Amin" because of his truthfulness and trustworthiness. He (PBUH) was the epitome of good conduct and good character, as Umm-ul-Mu'minin Hazrat Khadija (R.A.) gave him a certificate of good conduct and good service for fifteen years of marriage with her, with the words that hardly any wife can give to any husband. He said:

كَلَّا أَبْشِرْ، فَوَاللهِ، لَا يُخْزِيكَ اللهُ أَبَدًا، وَاللهِ، إِنَّكَ لَتَصِلُ الرَّحِمَ، وَتَصْدُقُ الْحَدِيثَ، وَتَحْمِلُ الْكَلَّ، وَتُكْسِبُ الْمَعْدُومَ، وَتَقْرِي الضَّيْفَ، وَتُعِينُ عَلَى نَوَائِبِ الْحَقِّ

Never be satisfied, be happy, Allah will never leave you without a helper. They become eager to help in calamities [8].


From the generation of Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) who is known as the Prophets, as a result of his prayers, thousands of years later, Allah Almighty sent a messenger to this barren region where he left his son Ismail. Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) had told the good news of this prophet and also showed a brief picture to his followers, that's why when the Christian monks saw him in their childhood, they would immediately say, "Maybe this is the same prophet whose good news we have." Has been found. The books of the Jews andEven today there are such writings in the literature which prove that their prophets had informed about the end of the world. Whenever Allah Almighty sent a Prophet, He sent from the highest Ashraf and the Best tribe. The events of Hazrat Amina indicate that even before her birth, there were indications of the arrival of this great person. After the auspicious birth, the scholars and monks of Judaunsara had realized everything. Asm Mubarak, childhood, boyhood, Shaq al-Sadr, destiny of Halimah, your status, extraordinary personality, all indicate that a great personality is about to bring a great revolution. Especially the dangers of the Jews, enmity with a child, your business trips, living conditions, high moral qualities, truthfulness, truthfulness, modesty, hatred of idols, non-involvement in the wrong customs and practices of the nation and some unusual habits. The events provide a rich prelude to what is to come.

While reviving the Sunnah of the Prophets, he grazed goats, actively participated in the good affairs of the nation. He supported the Righteous before the Prophethood, the Treaty of Al-Fawsul, the War of Fajr, the Black Stone dispute, loyalty to the covenant, patience, contentment and modesty in your rich youth, is a clear evidence of a major revolution, especially in such a society. Where these attributes were not even found. Also, you have never participated in ritual shirk. Makkah's most beautiful, wealthy, elderly and twice-widowed woman, who was known as "Tahira" in the era of Jahiliyyah, became his wife. He really needed a life partner who was also pure and pure. All his companions and friends possessed high moral qualities, often hated polytheism. were Your words, opinions and advice were commanding.




Chapter III

In the shadows of Prophethood and Prophethood

The Prophet's mission

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent at a time when mankind was standing on the edge of the pit of fire and the entire humanity was ruled by ignorance and ignorance. Superstitions, superstitions and polytheism were common. The people of the Arabs were suffering from various types of innovation, but the Prophet ﷺ was free from polytheism and convinced of monotheism even before his prophethood. After regaining consciousness, he never accepted polytheistic beliefs. He was always disgusted with idols and idolatry and did not even participate in the polytheistic worship of his people. As many changes were made in the Abrahamic religion during the time of Jahiliyyah, the Prophet (pbuh) did not accept any of them even before the Ba'ath, but he was very tired of the myths in which his people were suffering. He (peace be upon him) was anxiously contemplating the creations of the Creator of the universe.

In the cave

At that time, solitude and seclusion became your norm. Solitude became dear to him. Being isolated from everyone and sitting alone gave him great peace. So, in those days, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to go to the Cave of Hara, about two miles away from Makkah, with water and Satwa. His stay in the Cave of Hara consisted of several nights. He used to stay in this cave for the whole of Ramadan. They used to take a few days worth of food and then come back and circumambulate the Kaaba first and then take a few more days worth of food from home. During this stay, the Holy Prophet used to engage in worship and meditate on the universe and its creations and observations.

This isolationism of the Prophet ﷺ was actually a part of Allah's plan. In this way, Allah Ta'ala was preparing you for the great work to come and the great responsibility of prophethood.

When the blessed age of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) reached forty years, the signs of prophethood began to appear. It is narrated by Hazrat Ayesha that revelation to the Prophet ﷺ began with true dreams. Whatever dream you saw would appear like the light of day. Six months passed in this state.

When the Holy Prophet was forty years and six months old, one day in the month of Ramadan, a sudden revelation was revealed to him in the Cave of Hira, and an angel came in front of him and said to him: "Recite." He said, "Ma Ana Baqari." : I am not educated.

In many places in Bukhari Sharif, this incident has been narrated from Hazrat Aisha. She narrates the saying of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, that he said:

I am not educated. At this the angel held me and beat me until my stamina began to respond. Then he left me and said: Read. I said "I am not educated". He pounded me again and my stamina began to respond. Then he released me and said: “Read.” I said again “I am not educated.” He hit me a third time until my stamina began to respond. Then he left me and said:

Read in the name of your Lord, who created man from the earth.

Read! In the name of your Lord who created (the scholar). Created man from a lump. Read and your Lord is Most Merciful. Who taught knowledge through the pen. Who taught man what he did not know.

Hazrat Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) says that after that, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) turned from there trembling and went to Hazrat Khadija (may Allah be pleased with him) and said:

"Cover me with a cloak, cover me with a cloak."

They covered him with a chador. When the state of fear was removed from him, he said:

"O Khadija, what happened to me?"

Then he narrated the whole story to them and said:

 "I fear for my life."

Hazrat Khadija said:

 Not at all, may you be happy. By Allah, may Allah Almighty bless you. Your relationshipThey treat the poor, speak the truth (in one tradition it is added that they pay trusts), bear the burden of the needy, make the poor earn, show hospitality and help in good deeds. are And (in a tradition it is added that) His morals are generous. [10]

After that Hazrat Khadija took the Prophet ﷺ with her and went to Warqa bin Nawfal, who was her cousin. He left idolatry and became a Christian during the Jahiliyyah era. He used to write the Gospel in Arabic and Hebrew and became very old and blind. Hazrat Khadija said to them:

Brother John! Just listen to your nephew's story.

Waraqa asked him:

"What did you see, nephew?"

The Prophet ﷺ narrated what he had seen.

Warqa said:

This is the Namos (the angel who brings revelation from the Almighty) that Allah revealed to Moses. I wish I could live till the time when your nation will take you out of here.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

"Will these people expel me"?

Warqa said:

Yes, it has never happened that a person has brought what you have brought and he has not been treated with enmity. If I find that age of yours, I will help you strongly. [11]

But it was not long before Warqa bin Nawfal passed away.

After that, the series of revelations stopped for a while. After the first revelation, Hazrat Gabriel (peace be upon him) did not bring any revelation. The sorrow and grief of the Holy Prophet on this closure of the revelation increased as much as this period became longer. Finally, the Holy Prophet heard a voice from the sky and he stayed. He looked up and saw Gabriel sitting on a chair between heaven and earth and he said:

O Muhammad! Indeed, you are the Messenger of Allah and I am Gabriel.

This cessation of revelation lasted for some time. After that, Hazrat Gabriel (A.S.) again came to him with revelation. Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (ra) narrates that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said while mentioning Fitrat al-Wahi (the time when revelation is sealed):

 One day I was passing by the road when suddenly I heard a voice from the sky. When I looked up, I saw the same angel who came to me in the cave of Hira, sitting on a chair between heaven and earth. Seeing this, I was terrified and when I reached home, I said, cover me with a blanket. So the family members covered me with a blanket. After that, Allah Ta'ala revealed Yaha-ul-Mudasir... Then the revelation began to descend on me. [12]

In this way, the era of Fitrat al-Wahhi ended and the first seven verses of Surah Mudassar were revealed in which the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was appointed to the position of Messenger and given the necessary instructions to fulfill this duty.

[1] Also: 11/192.

[2] Ibn Kathir, Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyah: 1/280.

[3] Al-Shami, Al-Sirah al-Halbiyyah: 1/233.

[4] Musnad Imam Ahmad, Hadith No: 15559.

[5] According to Allama Zarqani, some of them adopted Tawheed and some did not, but with their insight, these people had obtained the knowledge of the correct belief, see, Al-Zarqani, Sharh Al-Zarqani Ali Al-Mawahib al-Dunniyya: 1/343. .

[6] Musnad of Imam Ahmad, Hadith No: 2739.

[7] Safi-ur-Rahman Mubarak Puri, Al-Rahiq al-Makhtoum: 1/53.

[8] Agreed, Sahih Bukhari Hadith No: 6581, Sahih Muslim, Hadith No: 160.

[9] Surah Al-Alaq: 96.

[10] Agreed, Sahih Bukhari Hadith No: 6581, Sahih Muslim, Hadith No: 160.

[11] Ibn Kathir, al-Badaiya wa al-Nahaya: 2/217.

[12] Agreed, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith No: 4, Sahih Muslim, Hadith No: 161.

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