Circumstances of the world before birth (Jews meet Bahir) Dr. Tahir Siddique


The sea of ​​Jews met him

There is a tradition that when Mr. Abu Talib had taken the Holy Prophet (PBUH) back, some Jews also passed by and that Bahir met him. Bahira explained to them to stop this intention because if this boy is really him, then you will not be able to kill him and if it is not him, then what is the reason for killing? By the explanation of this monk, they became Jews and did not follow him. [1]

A prayer for rain

Once upon a time there was a severe famine in Makkah, the drought was prolonged and the people were distressed. Finally, everyone gathered and came to Mr. Abdul Muttalib. Abdul Muttalib took the people of Makkah to a mountain for collective prayer. Abdul Muttalib had the Prophet ﷺ sitting on his shoulders. The Prophet ﷺ looked at the sky with merciful and pleading eyes, raised his hands to pray. The cloud of mercy rained well. According to another tradition, this incident is from the time of Abu Talib. Mr. Abu Talib took the people of Makkah and appeared in Kaaba Allah, with him was also the Holy Prophet. He placed his back against the Holy Kaaba and spread his hands before Allah and prayed until it started raining and the whole of Makkah was burnt.

The grazing of the goats of the Prophet ﷺ

The Prophet ﷺ did not consider it appropriate to be a burden on his uncle Abu Talib. According to a tradition, he used to graze goats and he used to give the wages he got from it to his uncle. When it was morning, the Prophet ﷺ would go out into the desert and deserted valleys with herds of goats and camels. Viewing natural scenery and nature. The rising sun, burning desert, soft warm sand, high mountains, open valleys and verdant gardens would give evidence of the creation of the Creator of the two worlds. The Prophet ﷺ used to study and observe nature. In the evening, the Prophet ﷺ used to come back home with his flocks. History proves from the Prophets that the Prophets used to herd goats. Shepherding of goats by the prophets is subject to God's expediency and it is actually a part of the Da'i's training because the most troublesome and troublesome animal is the goat. The nature of the goat is that it does not graze in one place, but it reaches from one place to another across the bridge. It is the shepherd's responsibility to keep a close watch on his flock so that no wolf attacks and harms any goat. Therefore, the shepherd follows them in this concern and tries to keep all the flock together.

The beginning of the travel trade

Until the blessed age of 15, he used to graze goats and camels for wages and this was the source of his livelihood. When he reached the blessed age of sixteen, he began to engage in trade. He made his first commercial trip to Yemen along with his uncle Zubair bin Abdul Muttalib. In this journey, your companions made a very successful trade.

The journey of the Prophet ﷺ and Hazrat Abu Bakr Sadiq رضي الله عنه

When the Holy Prophet was twenty years old, he traveled with Hazrat Abu Bakr to the country of Syria for the purpose of trade. Hazrat Abu Bakr was eighteen years old at that time. A special incident happened during this journey that he was sitting under a tree, Hazrat Abu Bakr was separated from him due to some need, a monk was coming from there. He asked Hazrat Abu Bakr, what is the name of the person who is sitting under the tree? Hazrat Abu Bakr said: Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib. The monk said: Very well, he must be Muhammad. Probably, he too had recognized the Holy Prophet by seeing his face and blessed dress that this person could be the "Khaloo Muhammad Yam" of Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him).

The Prophet ﷺ and Harb-e-Fajr

In Arabia, Mecca had a central position thanks to the Kaaba. During the days of Hajj, the Arab tribes would gather here and there would be a colorful festival. A wicked poet of Bani Kanana, whose name was Badr bin Mushar, created the magic of language and speech in the full festival and the emotions rose to such an extent that he addressed the whole crowd and said, "I am the most famous of Arabs." I am an honorable man. If anyone claims to be more honorable than me, the edge of the sword will decide him." Another young man from the crowd, whose name was Ahmar bin Mazin, heard this challenge and went ahead and stabbed him, upon which the whole festival broke up. After that, the elders made peace together and the matter was dismissed. In the second year again, the blood market was heated in the same respectable month, in the third year again on the same days and on the occasion of the annual gathering, bloodshed took place. With reference to Islamic history, in this fierce competition, Quraysh and Qays had a conflict. Quraysh and Kanana were on the side and there was a fight with Qays Aylan. According to one tradition, this war between the tribes of Bani Qays and Bani Quraysh continued for four years, while according to another tradition, the war that broke out over a trivial matter continued for several years in those days. Continued for years. The name of this war was "Battle of Fajr" due to the month of Haram.[2]

The Quraish were on the right side in this war and it was a matter of honor and name of the family, so all the families of the Quraish had sent their armies in this battle. Hazrat Zubair bin Abdul Muttalib was the flag bearer of Al-Hashim and the Prophet ﷺ was also a participant in the same ranks. There was a fierce battle and Qais prevailed first and Kanana and Quraysh prevailed in the last hour. And finally the matter ended with peace. In this battle, the chief and commander of Quraysh was Azam Harb bin Umayyah, who was the father of Abu Sufyan and the grandfather of Hazrat Muawiya. Ibn Hisham has written that the Prophet ﷺ did not lay his hands on anyone. Imam Suhaili has said that he himself did not fight. Imam Sahib writes: YouHe did not fight in the war, although he had reached the age of fighting.

At that time, the Prophet was twenty years old. This was the first war of his life, in which he participated. But it is known from the traditions that the Prophet's participation in this war was not as a soldier or a war jockey, but in the context of helping his uncles. The Prophet ﷺ used to collect the arrows of the enemies and give them to his uncles.

Affidavit Agreement

The series of wars that started in the name of Fajr ended in a treaty. First of all, the names of the people who came up with the idea of ​​this agreement included Fazal. These were (1) Fazl bin Fazalah (2) Fazl bin Wida'a (3) Fazyl bin Harith and they belonged to the tribe of Jarham and Qatura. The accumulation of grace is futile, that is why this contract is called Halaf-ul-Fazul. The words of this agreement are: By Allah! We will continue to support the oppressed as long as the river continues to flow (that is, always), and we will share our compassion and sorrow in the society. As if this agreement was related to the support of the oppressed against the oppressor. With the passage of time, people did not even remember this agreement. So Quraysh laid the foundation of this agreement anew. It was the fruit of good intentions of the main members of this agreement that their names remain in history till today.

After the wars of Fajr, people were contemplating their losses and consequences when a tragedy occurred. A Yemeni merchant from the Zubayd tribe came to Makkah, where he sold goods to a man named As bin Wail. But when As made a mistake in giving the correct price, the Yemeni merchant was disappointed. According to another tradition, this Zabidi merchant was robbed in a crowded market. The merchant seized the opportunity and climbed the nearby Mount Abu Qubais from where he recited some verses in a very painful tone, which were heard by the people of Makkah and the chiefs of Makkah. He mentions his hanging in these verses, a sound that unnerves Hashem's family. Therefore, a grand gathering was held on the initiative of Zubair bin Abdul Muttalib, the uncle of the Holy Prophet. The family of Hashem, Zahra and Tamim gathered at the house of Abdullah bin Jad Aan and it was agreed that each of us would support the oppressed and no oppressor would be allowed to live in Makkah. In this gathering, an agreement was reached to help the oppressed against the oppressor, that is, we will stand up to help the oppressed in every case, whether it is from Makkah or from any other region. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was a participant in this agreement and used to say in the covenant of Prophethood, "If I were given red camels in exchange for this agreement, I would not take it, and even today if someone calls for such an agreement, I will be present." .)[3](

An event of high values ​​and commitment

When the blessed age of the Prophet (PBUH) reached over twenty years, he (PBUH) became worried about his livelihood. Quraysh were traders by nature. The Prophet ﷺ used to travel to different cities for the purpose of participating in trade fairs from an early age. From a young age, the people of Makkah were loyal to the Prophet's honesty, nobility, trustworthiness, high morals and character and speech. When he entered the profession of trade, his good reputation spread.

Abdullah Ibn Abi Al-Hamsa narrated that I entered into a trade agreement with the Prophet. It was not yet decided that I remembered the important task. I said to them, you stay here, I will come right away. Something got so busy at work that the matter went out of mind. On the third day, I happened to pass by there and saw that the Holy Prophet was standing there and waiting for me. I was very sorry but he only said that you have given me a lot of trouble, I have been in this place for three days. )[4](

Going for trade with Hazrat Khadija's property

Due to the honesty and uprightness of the Prophet (PBUH) in business matters, people tried harder than each other to involve him in their trade. In such a situation, Khadija bint Khuwayld, a wealthy widow from Arabia, who was a figure of chastity and chastity and was called Tahira because of her nobility, chastity and purity, heard the praise of the Prophet ﷺ's honesty and nobility, so she wished that he Take the goods of trade to Syria. The Prophet ﷺ accepted his offer. Hazrat Khadija's slave Maysara was also with the Prophet ﷺ in the trade caravan, whose duty it was to serve him all the way and take care of him in every way.

When his trade caravan reached Basra, he sat under a tree that had dried up. Nearby was the monastery of a monk named Nestora. He saw that as soon as he sat down, the branches of the tree started to turn green and all the dry branches of the tree turned green. The Nestorian monk sent his man and asked Mesra, who is this young man and where did he come from? Mesra replied that this young man was a neighbor of Qureshi and Haram. The old monk called Mesra to him and asked how are the eyes of this Qureshi. Mesra replied that his eyes were very dark and charming, but with red streaks in the white part. The Nestorian monk raised his hands in the air and said, "By the Lord of the worlds in whose possession is my soul, this is the prophet of the end of time, whom the world is desperately waiting for." The monk said that under the dry tree under which the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has become enshrined, no one else has sat there since the time of Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him. Later, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) became involved in buying and selling goods. A person quarreled with him about something and took an oath of damnation. On this, he said: "Oath is a distant thing, I really hate them." The Nestorian monk told Mesra that this young man had prophetic qualities. Hearing these thingsYesra's interest in you increased. Throughout the way, Mesra saw the miracles of the Prophet. He saw that when he walks in the hot sun, the shadow of the cloud stays above. He came to Egypt with the slave of Hazrat Khadija, taking the goods of trade, the profit was multiplied by selling the goods here. After mutual consultation, it was decided that the property should be sold here and the profit obtained should be conveyed to Hazrat Khadija.

Returning from a business trip

On returning from a trade trip, the Prophet's caravan entered the valley of Makkah. Hassan, by chance, the noble woman who became the life partner of the Prophet, was standing on her upper house watching the arrival of the caravan. There was no end to his surprise that a piece of cloud was moving along above him like a canopy. Hazrat Khadija benefited a lot in this trade with the blessing of the Prophet ﷺ. Maysara told Hazrat Khadija about the entire journey. Hazrat Khadija heard the stories of the Prophet's morals and habits, honesty and the blessings and lights of the existence of Athar, and became a devotee of him.

marriage message

Hazrat Khadija bint Khuwayld was a respectable woman. This chaste, respectable, wealthy lady was sent messages of marriage by the chiefs of the Arab tribes. But this bold woman had answered everyone due to the events of her life. She was a widow and in the age of Jahiliyyah she was called by the title of "Tahira" due to her pure conduct. The scene that was seen by Maysra's words and Hazrat Khadija's own eyes, the bud of desire blossomed in the desolate heart of a widow, the lamps of hope were lit and spring came in her life without merit. Two months after returning from a trade trip, according to one tradition, he sent the marriage message through his friend Nafisa, and according to another tradition, Hazrat Khadija herself gave the marriage message. It is written in the biographical books that Hazrat Khadijah was inspired by the character and character of the Prophet ﷺ and desired him with all her heart and soul and sent a marriage message describing the five attributes of the Prophet ﷺ.

(1) Your and our family are one.

(2) You are dignified and honorable in the nation.

(3) Your trustworthiness is enviable.

(4) His good manners are proverbial.

(5) His honesty is worthy of pride.

Hazrat Khadija's marriage message shows her insight, foresight and human knowledge. His marriage message is a proof of his intelligence. [5]

The lineage of Hazrat Khadija is traced to the family of the Prophet ﷺ in the fifth Pashtu. According to a tradition, Hazrat Khadija's father had passed away, but her uncle Amr bin Asad was alive. Hazrat Khadija along with her uncle directly decided all the ranks. On the appointed date of the marriage, Mr. Abu Talib and other Quraysh chiefs, including Hazrat Hamza, came to Hazrat Khadija's house. Mr. Abu Talib read the marriage sermon and five gold dirhams were declared as dowry and in one tradition, he gave twenty camels as dowry. At that time, Hazrat Khadija was forty years old and she was a widow and her husband had died before her, while the blessed age of the Holy Prophet was twenty-five years and this was his first marriage, and in Hazrat Khadija's life, he married for the second time. did not

Glory to Khadija Al-Kubra

Hazrat Khadijah is the first wife of the Prophet. At that time, Hazrat Khadija was honored with the blessed title of "Tahira". When the sea of ​​Jahiliyyah was raging and women were also valued, his mother was Fatimah bint Zaidah bin Al-Asim al-Qurashiyya, who belonged to Bani Amir bin Lui, and his father was Khuwaylid bin Asad bin Abdulaziz, one of the nobles of Quraish. .

There is no doubt that Allah Ta'ala chose the chaste spouses for Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ, their decision was not made on the floor but on the throne. Allah Ta'ala chooses virtuous and pure women for His Prophets.

Hazrat Khadija was a widow. His first marriage was with Abu Hala bin Zarara Al-Tamimi, from whom Hala, Hind and Haris were born. After the death of the first husband, the second marriage took place with Atiq bin Abid al-Makhzoomi. A girl was born from them, her name was Hind, and because of her, Hazrat Khadija was called as Umm Hind. Khadija has an exemplary position among other pure wives in the Holy Prophet's Haram. Prophet ﷺ and Hazrat Khadija رضي الله عنه loved each other immensely. Umm al-Mu'minin Hazrat Khadija RA is unique among other pure wives for several reasons. For example.

* She had the privilege of becoming the first life partner of the Prophet ﷺ.

As long as Hazrat Khadija was alive, the Prophet ﷺ did not marry any other woman in his life.

First of all, Hazrat Khadijah prayed with the Prophet ﷺ.

* The duration of marriage of the Prophet (PBUH) with Hazrat Khadija (RA) is the longest (twenty-five years).

All the children of the Holy Prophet were born from Hazrat Khadija, when a son Hazrat Ibrahim was born to Hazrat Maria Qobtiya, who died in infancy.

Hazrat Khadija was the first among the pure wives of the Holy Prophet to receive the tidings of paradise.

* Allah Ta'ala first greeted Hazrat Khadija.

* Hazrat Khadijah is the only pure wife from whose womb the children of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) survived and the lineage continued from her.

Hazrat Khadijah is the lucky woman who first believed in the Prophet ﷺ.

* She is the first wife of the Holy Prophet as per his death.

* Hazrat Khadija (RA) piled her wealth at the feet of the Prophet (PBUH) for the sake of the greatness of Islam.

* Hazrat Khadija is the first person in whose blessed grave the Prophet ﷺ descended.

About Hazrat Khadija, it is said in Bukhari Sharif and Muslim Sharif that she was the most beautiful woman of her time.He is the best and he was told the good news of Paradise many times. There is a hadith that the best woman among the people of Paradise is Khadija bint Khuwaylid. Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) says that Jibreel (A.S.) came to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and said, “Say greetings to Khadijah (RA) on behalf of Allah Ta’ala and myself, and give the good news of a house made of rubies in Paradise, in which there is no noise and no hardship.” According to the tradition of Nasa'i Sharif, Hazrat Khadijah received the greetings of Allah Ta'ala and she was visiting him at that time. Hazrat Anas (RA) says, "When Gabriel (A.S.) came, Hazrat Khadija (RA) was present with the Prophet (SAW). Hazrat Khadija replied that Allah Almighty himself is peace, peace be upon Jibreel (peace be upon him) and peace be upon you (peace be upon him), may his mercy and blessings be upon him.

Hazrat Khadija had a happy married life with the Prophet ﷺ. She supported the Prophet ﷺ in every difficult time. The result of the gracious companionship of the Prophet ﷺ was that if he was righteous, then Umm al-Mu'minin Hazrat Khadija was righteous, and if he was Amin, then Umm al-Mu'minin was Amin. He was pure, so she was pure. Four daughters and two sons were born from his womb. When Hazrat Khadija died, she was sixty-five years old at that time.

[1] Seerah Ibn Hisham: 1/180.

[2] Seerah Ibn Hisham: 1/184.

[3] Tabaqat Ibn Saad: 1/103.

[4] Seerah Ibn Hisham: 1/174.

[5] Seerah Ibn Hisham: 11/189.

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